Keto Chocolate dipped Bar Recipe

To make 6 medium sized chocolate dipped coconut bars you will need the following ingredients.

Ingredients for making Keto dipped Chocolate Bars :

  • 1 cup shredded unsweetened coconut
  • 2 Table spoon powdered Erythritol or Stevia
  • 1/4 spoon vanilla essence
  • 1/4 cup coconut cream – make your own
  • 2 Table spoon coconut oil
  • Chocolate coating:
  • 3 table spoon / 50 grams 85-90% dark chocolate/ cocoa powder
  • 2 table spoon coconut oil

Process for making Keto dipped Chocolate Bars:

First dry fry or bake the coconut powder or shred it finely , leave it aside for cooling down.

Add the following ingredients in bowl.

2 Table spoon powdered sweetener of your preference
1/4 spoon vanilla essence
1/4 cup coconut cream – make your own
2 Table spoon coconut oil

Make about 6 equal size bars out of this and refrigerate it for an hour the using a tray.

After an hour of refrigeration, use a chocolate melting bowl and slowly simmer and melt the chocolate/coco powder with 2 table spoon coconut oil.

Dip each bar that you just took out of the refrigerator and coat evenly. Then put it back to refrigerate again till the chocolate hardens.

Keto Chocolate dipped coconut bars are ready to be eaten.

Warning : Please take advice from your doctor that these foods are not allergic to you. Diabetic patients should consult a doctor before you practice any Keto Recipe.

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