Keto Diet is low carbohydrate, high fat diet that turns our normal metabolic state from glucogenesis to ketogenic state.
What are the benefits of Keto Diet?
Keto diet or ketogenic diet is a low-carb, high-fat diet, it helps you burn more fat in body and thereby reducing body weight. It has many benefits such as weight loss, health and performance. There are over 50 studies done worldwide regarding ketones and keto diet triggering a stage called Ketosis.
Maintaining healthy macro levels
Most people doing Keto is not unsure what is macros as they have just adapted “Lazy Keto”, Lazy Keto just restricts carbs but is not bothered about the other macro and micro nutrition level that your body will need. We need to calculate the macros before anyone can start Keto.
You can use the Keto Calculator for Understanding the Macros Before starting Keto Diet
Is Keto dieting dangerous ?
Ketoacidosis is a metabolic state caused by uncontrolled production of ketone bodies that cause a metabolic acidosis. While ketosis refers to any elevation of blood ketones, ketoacidosis is a specific pathologic condition that results in changes in blood pH and requires emergency medical attention. People who are type 1 diabetic, people with cardio vascular complications and specific health conditions should not follow Keto diet with consent from their doctor as they may end up in Ketoacidosis and thereby risk to health. When bodily fluids become acidic, some of the body’s systems stop functioning properly. It is a serious condition that will make you violently ill, if you don’t treat and it can lead to medical complication and life-threatening situation.